What is Pupillary Distance?

Pupillary Distance (PD) is the measurement of the distance between the centers of your pupils. It helps determine the proper positioning of corrective lenses for clear vision. Accuracy in obtaining this measurement is crucial.

For adults, the typical PD range is 54-74 mm, while for children, the range is 43-58 mm.


How do you get the PD value?

To determine your PD value, you can ask your optometrist for it. However if it's not available, you can easily measure it yourself or with the help of a friend.

Tools you'll need:

- Millimeter ruler
- Mirror


1. Stand 8 inches away from a mirror.

2. Hold the ruler against your eyebrows, keeping your face level.

3. Align the ruler's zero with the middle of your right pupil. This measures the distance between the centers of your pupils.

4. Identify the millimeter line on the ruler that corresponds to the center of your left pupil. The number you see there is your PD.

If you have a friend helping you, look straight ahead while they align the ruler's zero with the center of one pupil and measure the distance to the center of the other pupil.

Note that you should measure your PD three to four times to make sure the number you have is accurate and consistent.